The Parable of the Pharisee & the Tax Collector

Jul 21, 2019    Erik Mickelson    #humbleyourself #forHISglory #heyharvest #parablesofJesus #summersermonseries

Self-esteem, Self-confidence, Self-sufficient, Self-reliant. all ideas that are considered positive personality traits in our world, and they are good things, but the catch is they all start with self and this can give us a distorted perspective. In the Kingdom of God all the confidence, all the sufficiency, all the reliance, rest on God alone. With that perspective, with our hope resting firmly in God’s character, we’re freed to live for His Honor and His Glory, which is our divinely crafted purpose.
#humbleyourself #forHISglory #heyharvest #parablesofJesus #summersermonseries