Connect & Grow
The environment for connection, care, and shared spiritual growth is found
when we engage in community and relate to friends at a more personal level.
when we engage in community and relate to friends at a more personal level.

The Spring Season of Life Groups will
Kick off the week after Easter.
We will be Studying the book of
Sign up At church on Sunday!
Current groups
Sunday Evening
Monday Evening
- Led by Marcus Fry @ the Fry's home
6:00pm-7:30pm - Selah - Led by Jason Williams' @ the Church Building
6:00pm-8:00pm - Selah - Led by Rob Williams @ the Wachsmith's Home
6:00pm-8:00pm - Gleed
- Led by Darin Brown @ the Brown's home
6:00pm-8:00pm - Selah
Tuesday Evening
Wednesday Evening
- Led by Josiah Shenk @ the Church Building
5:30pm-7:30pm - Selah - Led by Evan Bohannon @ their home in West Valley
5:30pm-7:30pm - Selah
Saturday Morning
- Womens group led by Susan Kinder and Jennifer Jones @ Susan's home
Thursday Evening
- Led by Larry and Laurie Tuff @ Their home in Selah
- Led by Colleen Austin-Belles @ The Garage (behind the church office)
9:00am-11:00am - Selah
Group Description
Idolatry is rife amongst God’s people and the nations around them, and it’s into this context that the prophet Zephaniah brings two clear messages: judgment and restoration. Dave Cornes explores what it looks like for us, too, to repent and return to God, trusting Him to protect us through persecution and to purify us through right judgment. This five-part series will inspire you to rejoice as you look forward to ultimate restoration.
This is a study on Right Now Media taught by Dave Cornes
This is a study on Right Now Media taught by Dave Cornes