
Leading Students into a growing relationship with jesus christ

6th through 12th grade
Invite your friends!

During the School Year
Join us Wednesday evenings from 7 pm-8:30 pm as students in grades 6-12 meet with friends and find life-change in Christ.
Each week, teens experience fun and exciting  games, engage in modern worship led by a live band made up of peers,
and Biblical teaching, which addresses the issues teens face.
Students also meet in small groups to explore the Bible and learn how to apply it every day.
We desire to help students grow in their relationship with Jesus at whatever level they are.  
And, of course, we end each week with FOOD!  Find us at 112 N. Wenas in Selah, WA.

Winter 2025 Events
Click here to see a Calendar of Fall Events

Harvest Students to Head to our registration site to sign up for fall and winter events.
Retreat season is over and now it is time to turn our sights to SUMMER CAMP for middle school and high school students.   July 13-17 will be BASE CAMP.  We are joining with about 6 other churches for camp again this summer.   We will be heading up to the Double K near Cle Elem, WA.  

You can sign up by going to and click on the 'Sign Ups' page or use the link below to go directly to the registration.

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2024 Photo Scavenger Hunt Photos!!!

Hey, It's US!!!

Dear Parents.

Dear parents of youth group kids.  We kicked off our school year of Youth Ministry and I wanted to ask something of you.  We have noticed a trend in our girls towards showing more skin and I would like to ask your help with this.  I met a high school boy at Taco Bell after the first week of school.  One of the questions I asked him was, “Now that you have been in school for a few days, what do you see in the hallways?  Where do you see hope and where do you see hopelessness?”  I was surprised when I heard him talk about how he was disturbed to see how much skin the girls were willing to show at school.  He looked at me in the eyes and repeated, “Darin, it is bad.”
So in an effort to combat the trend away from modesty I am asking for your help in making sure that youth group and church attendance is different.  
Will you help us by making sure our ladies are dressing in ways that are modest?  Starting with shirts that keep the body covered (belly and chest) and shorts that don’t let the backside be on display.  And as always keep an eye on what is printed on the shirts and hats that everyone wears, both the boys and the girls.  If what is printed on them does not line up with scripture go ahead and leave that at home.  
In the great commission, Jesus told his disciples to make more disciples and to teach them to obey the things that Jesus taught.  He did not tell them to blend in to culture by acting or dressing like the culture, but to be disciples of Jesus and to look and act like him.  This is not always easy, but it is essential.
Thank you for your help.  See you later as you drop off your kids for youth group.