The Parable of the Laborers in the Vineyard

Aug 18, 2019    Mark (Flip) Flippin    #theLordisSovereign #HeisgoodALLthetime #parablesofJesus #summersermonseries #heyharvest

We have this tendency to compare ourselves to everyone around us and our natural inclination is to think everybody else has it easier than we do. But Jesus reminds us in the Parable of the Laborers in the Vineyard that God in His generosity has promised us He will give us more than we ever deserve, His peace, His hope, His love, His presence, and regardless of what life throws at us, He is not slow in keeping His promises.
#theLordisSovereign #HeisgoodALLthetime #parablesofJesus #summersermonseries #heyharvest