
Our Partners in the Mission of Jesus

steve & Gina Armstrong

Flying H Youth Ranch    Naches, WA
Steve counsels and mentors at-risk boys at the ranch and Gina shares cooking and hospitality responsibilities with other staff. Flying H Youth Ranch vision is to reach young men for Christ and help them rebuild broken relationships.
Learn more about Flying H Ranch

Aaron Jameson

Training Leaders International
Aaron works with immigrant local church pastors here in the US.  His mission is to offer solid theological training to pastors, which is culturally appropriate, effective and reproducible.  
Subscribe to the Jameson's Newsletter

Jay Fast

Sonlife Ministries
Jay serves as an International Ministries Coordinator. He is directly involved with us by connecting our High School student missions trips to churches and youth ministries in Costa Rica.
Learn more about Sonlife

Jayce Freeman

Athletes in Action   Eastern Washington University
Jayce works to see that there be Christ-followers on every team in every sport in every nation.
Support Jayce

Owen & Emily Grey

Athletes in Action   Xenia, OH
The Greys work to see that there be Christ-followers on every team in every sport in every nation. Learn more about Owen and Emily, and their ministry.
Together in the Race!
Support the Greys

Paul & Doriane Schneider

Great Commandment Ministries   Iasi, Romania
The medical school in Iasi draws students from over 80 different nations, many of these nations are closed to the Gospel. The Schneiders have a unique opportunity to make disciples of the nations while they are in Romania: to explore the Gospel, raise them up and then send them back out as doctors with the message.
Subscribe to Paul's email list

Russ & Christy Tuttle

Stop Trafficking Project
Russ and Christy focus their ministry on combating Domestic Minor Sex Trafficking (DMST) in both the US and India. From a Christ-centered perspective, they educate and empower students to be safe from the lures of traffickers.
Learn more about the StopTraffickingProject

Andrew & Rachel Meinzinger

Child Evangelism Fellowship    Sri Lanka
Andy and his family work to help kids find and follow Jesus.
Subscribe to Andy’s Newsletter
Follow their video updates

Short-Term Mission Trips

We are committed to Leading People into a Growing Relationship with Jesus Christ... in the Yakima Valley and beyond. Our short-term mission trips are a great way for people to get involved and SERVE in Jesus' name across the nation and globe. We Love to SERVE!

God is working in many ways

As a church, we receive a lot of requests for financial support and we want to be very strategic in how we approach these requests. Here are some questions we use to help discern who to support.

  1. Do they align with our mission, strategy, and theology?
  2. Do we have a relationship with them
    (As a church, we value genuine relationship/partnership)
  3. Is there an opportunity for us to partner together in ministry?
  4. Where do they fit in Acts 1:8 model regarding the Great Commission? 
    (i.e., OUR Jerusalem, Judea, Samaria, and the Ends of the Earth)
  5. Are they currently connected and active with a local church?

The Elders have agreed to begin with one-year commitments that can be renewed upon evaluation.