What is the vision and purpose for Harvest?

Our direction is clear - given to us by Jesus Christ in the Great Commission (Matt. 28:18-20).  Our mission echoes this: Leading people into a growing relationship with Jesus Christ. Briefly, the church exists for evangelism and discipleship.  We must have both or the church becomes off mission and out of balance.

Who is your target audience?

We are specifically aiming to reach the unchurched that are undecided about Jesus Christ. They are real people living in the community or surrounding community and are not against Christ...they just haven't decided to follow Him, yet.

How many Services do you have?

We have two Sunday services
@ 9:00am & 10:45am

What will the music be like?

We describe our style as a celebration. We sing both new and old songs with modern instrumentation. At times the energy is high and people clap, and other times it's soft and reflective with eyes closed.  Our effort is to help facilitate an atmosphere free from unnecessary distraction so that we can all participate in genuine worship of the only worthy God.

What does ministry to Kids look like on a Sunday morning?

We have space to minister effectively to children from birth to fifth grade during both services. Jesus said, let the children come to me – we are with Jesus. Jesus placed a high value on kids and so do we.
*We take ministry to kids seriously, all of our kids and youth ministry volunteers are screened through a National Background Check.

Do you have a youth ministry?

Yes, we have a youth ministry for students 6th grade-12th grade. During the school year, we meet Wednesday nights 7pm-8:30 pm at the church. We believe a lot of life-change happens during these years and we are all about making young lives count for eternity.
Note: our summer location & times will be different. Check our Facebook page or Youth Ministry page for updates).

Is Harvest part of a denomination?

Harvest is not a part of a denomination (a governing structure, which provides oversight to particular churches). We consider ourselves non-denominational but not isolationists. Harvest does have some strategic relationships/partnerships to see the cause of Christ advanced more effectively both locally and globally.

How do I become a member?

  1. Attend Starting Point
  2. Attend the Foundations class.
  3. Make a commitment by signing Harvest's Membership Covenant.