Adopt a School

Harvest has chosen to adopt the Selah Intermediate School
in our community partnership with the Selah School District.  
The goal is to be an ally in the process of helping kids
to grow and develop academically as well as socially.  
We get to partner with the school in serving the local families in Selah!
The ways to serve are long and can be tailored to your skills and the school’s needs.  You can be a reading buddy, Lunchroom helper, teacher’s aid, recess helper, special events helper, snacks for the staff break room,  
or help with the weekly store for kids
to spend their good behavior tokens.
Volunteer without even stepping foot in the building, if you'd like. You can provide things like baked goods for staff appreciation or $5 gift cards for the staff to use
for team-building prizes and morale boosters,
or write notes of encouragement.

3 Steps to Volunteer

1. Click here to fill out the volunteer form
Each Volunteer has to pass a background check before helping in our cities' schools
2. Let us know you are interested
Email Us
3. Get trained
Set up a time to do a short orientation with Pastor Darin and School representatives